Pastor’s Message

Peace celebrates ongoing partnership with LIRS, welcomes new partnership with REACT DC

Peace celebrates ongoing partnership with LIRS, welcomes new partnership with REACT DC

In October of 2021, Peace responded to the call from Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services to create a temporary field office to help resettle Afghans who were evacuated under great duress and brought almost nothing with them. In the past year, LIRS resettled over 1400 people through their offices at Peace. Watch this moving video to see what God was…

Allow the Light

Allow the Light

Tomorrow, we enter the season of Epiphany, which means revelation. Just as sunlight helps us see more clearly, as God is revealed to us, we more clearly sense God’s presence and trust God’s love. Then, we let it shine through us. As we have done in the past (pre-Covid!), each Sunday in Epiphany will feature a “Ministry Moment” where we hear about a…