Grow In Faith
Helpful Online Resources
Check out these Lutheran youth and family resources! This list includes prayers, activities, and stories that the entire family can participate in.
- Feeling anxious? Check out these coloring pages from Illustrated Ministry: https://illustratedmin.s3.amazonaws.com/freebies/WhenYouFeelAnxious.pdf
- 10 ways to pray with kids (i.e. through art, body movement, etc.)
- How to pray the Ignatian Examen with children:
https://www.ignatianspirituality.com/praying-the-examen-with-children/ - Interested in the idea and prayer practices associated with labyrinths? Find a printable finger labyrinth and locate a walkable labyrinth near you at this site:
https://www.labyrinthsociety.org/download-a-labyrinth - Many youth love watching these Animated Bible stories which offer in-depth info on the psalms:
https://psalmsforkids.com/bible-stories/ - Did you know that doodling can be a way to connect with God and deepen your faith? Here are some guides to praying through doodling (doodling through prayer?!)
Praying in Color: https://prayingincolor.com/
Prayer and Possibilities: https://www.prayerandpossibilities.com/prayer-doodles-drawing-your-mind-to-focus/ - The homepage of the ELCA Metro DC synod that Peace is a part of – lots of updates from area Lutheran churches and ELCA leadership
- ELCA resources: downloadable resources, including messages and statements from Bishop Eaton, social justice initiatives, campaigns, and Bible study materials
- Faith5 (Faith Acts In The Home) is all about how to engage in faith formation at home as a family.
- Building Faith: a resource for parents on home faith practices that has everything from liturgical crafts to prayers for kids
- Don’t forget Faithful Families with Peace!