Care for Creation

Promoting Love & Justice

Caring for God's Creation

We live in a time when caring for the earth has never been more pressing or more complicated. The warming of our planet affects all manner of life forms. Our economy is built on unsustainable consumption and pollution. Each of us is affected by environmental shifts and at the same time, responsible for them.

The issues can be totally overwhelming. It’s especially hard to figure out what one person or one church can do when faced with the enormity of our environmental problems. And yet, there is always hope. One hundred years from now, our great-grandchildren will look at all we knew about climate change and environmental degradation and ask: why didn’t you care?

We do care. One of Peace’s core values is “we promote love and justice for all of God’s creation.” Our church has already taken many steps to curb our use of energy (programmable thermostats, LED lights, automatic light switches). We have planted native trees and turned much of our property into gardens. We are not done. We have installed an energy-efficient HVAC system, as well as solar panels and plan to turn more of our property into a garden.

Sometimes our individual actions seem remarkably small, but they are important. As Martin Luther famously said: “Even if I knew the world were going to go to pieces tomorrow, today I would plant a tree.”

Take Action Today

Make a Difference

Here are a few ways you can work toward making a difference in caring for God’s creation: