This is a season of hospitality. You will welcome others and you will be welcomed. The Christian tradition has a long history of hospitality, with commands to “welcome the stranger (i.e.. foreigner)” repeated throughout Scripture and practiced throughout faith communities.
Kids often ask for the same book to be read over and over (and over!) again. They are comforted by familiar words and pictures. Because they are developing so rapidly, they experience the story differently from reading to reading; understanding a new word, connecting the plot, enjoying a character they hadn’t noticed before. They hear the same words, but they don’t hear the same story.
Have you ever been welcomed as if you are the most important person in the world? Can you think of someone who eased your way through a difficult time? I encourage you to pray about who might need you to give them the red carpet treatment.
Today is Veteran’s Day. We honor those who have served in our military, including many of you and your families. Please join me in this Veteran’s Day prayer:
Almighty and ever-living God, we give you thanks for the people who have served and defended our country and the values of freedom and justice we hold so dear…
Sunday is All Saints Day. We will light candles as we read the litany of saints who have died. It is always a holy and beautiful commemoration.