This Sunday we have a Christmas pageant in two forms. A few families and students who are not able to come to in-person worship have sent video clips which will be played during worship. Then the children who are physically at church will put on costumes – sheep ears and angel wings – and help set the manger scene while we all hear the story of the first Christmas.
Kids often ask for the same book to be read over and over (and over!) again. They are comforted by familiar words and pictures. Because they are developing so rapidly, they experience the story differently from reading to reading; understanding a new word, connecting the plot, enjoying a character they hadn’t noticed before. They hear the same words, but they don’t hear the same story.
Over the next few weeks of worship, we will hear the Christmas story many times and participate in it too. We will offer hospitality and generosity. We will experience awe and angelic singing. In Jesus, God will be joined with our human story in a new way, a way we can’t even predict.
Questions for Reflection:
1) How has your faith changed since last Christmas?
2) Which characters in the Christmas story do you relate to the most?