Thanks to Chaplain Ray Ranker for his sermon last week.  You can listen to it here.

This Sunday, the worship service will focus on two related Lutheran themes: Vocation and Priesthood of all Believers.

The religious word “vocation” means “calling.”  When we use it, we indicate that what we “do” is connected to our relationship with God.  Your vocation is much broader than your professional identity. It is about the sacred thread that runs through your entire life and through others’ lives too.

In Luther’s time, only monks, nuns and priests were considered to have a vocation. Luther expanded the idea of vocation to all people, even people who did menial work that was disrespected in society.  At the same time, he expanded the idea of who has special access to God. All Christians have vocations. All also are considered priests. We differ from one another in terms of skills and interests, but not in terms of our fundamental worth in the eyes of God.

My sermon will focus on the dignity and equality that comes with this understanding of vocation. For more on vocation, and the priesthood of all believers, watch this short video and read this introductory essay.