In recent weeks GlobalRefuge, who Peace partners with in ministry, has been under attack. These charges are ideological and slanderous. Not because the organization has done anything wrong, but precisely because they embody the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Rather than take the low road of name calling and throwing around lies we at Peace want to highlight the work that GlobalRefuge has achieved over the past year.

Over the past year Global Refuge has welcomed 18,600 of God’s children fleeing unfortunate circumstances and those planning a life in the United States. They offered 395 legal screenings and consultations to help newcomers as they fold their lives into a new land. They held education classes and offered tangible support to 981 people directly. And monetarily they provided $1.6 Million in affordable loans to 130+ clients.

All of this work goes to support what GlobalRefuge refers to as a ‘long welcome’. Which any new comer to a church might be familiar with. One does not simply walk into somewhere new and have complete competency. Looking forward GlobalRefuge hopes to build international programs, increase the life and career skills of all they serve, and to establish reliable, sustainable pathways for new comers.