I haven’t known exactly what to say in light of the multiple mass shootings last weekend. The one in Buffalo is a special brand of horror, with its combination of white supremacy, internet-fueled isolation and easy access to assault rifles. Again I find myself asking, what does our faith have to say about this? A few things come to mind.…

Christians are sometimes called “an Easter people.” That means we are always in the after. Even when we don’t live like it, and even when the world still seems to “groan in pain,” the resurrected Jesus has changed everything.
Tags: Easter forgiveness life
Thank you to everyone who helped Peace host Memorial services for Susan DeHaven, Erin Messner, as well as the Memorial prayer for Sophia Katamba’s father. Peace offered Christ-like hospitality and comfort to many grieving people. Last Sunday, my sermon was about the worldview of the Eminem Song “Lose Yourself,” which says you have to seize your one shot. On the surface this…
Tags: forgiveness