Advent in the church is just such an opportunity for us. It is a season of waiting and watching for Jesus – for his birth among us as God made flesh and for his return among us as Savior and Lord.
You’re invited to join Pastor Sarah each Sunday evening in Advent for a brief devotion, scripture reading and song, with the lighting of Advent wreath candles each week.
You’re invited to join Pastor Sarah each Sunday evening in Advent for a brief devotion, scripture reading and song, with the lighting of Advent wreath candles each week.
You’re invited to join Pastor Sarah each Sunday evening in Advent for a brief devotion, scripture reading and song, with the lighting of Advent wreath candles each week.
You’re invited to join Pastor Sarah each Sunday evening in Advent for a brief devotion, scripture reading and song, with the lighting of Advent wreath candles each week.
The living nativity is back! Remember to invite your friends and family members to come and visit our nativity scene.
The living nativity is back! Remember to invite your friends and family members to come and visit our nativity scene.
The living nativity is back! Remember to invite your friends and family members to come and visit our nativity scene.