Events for July 20, 2024 - May 12, 2024

Lunch Bunch

The Next Lunch Bunch Outing is set for Tuesday, May 16th at 12 noon. We will try Raaga Tandoor, located at 6030 Burke Commons Road, Burke, VA, 22015. RSVP by call or text directly to Sandi Penoyar at 703-300-5708 by 5 pm Monday, May 16th so she can confirm our reservation. Everyone who can pays their own way, but if…

Event Series Wednesday Bible study

Wednesday Bible Study

Interested in establishing a weeklys spiritual practice? Want to see what it's like to be a part of Peace Lutheran? Our Wednesday Zoom bible study might just be for you! Join the people of Peace as different members from the congregation lead a lectio divina style study, where scripture is read, reflected on, and prayed upon, typically in sets of…

Confirmation & Sunday School Appreciation

We will celebrate the faith of four eighth-grade confirmands as well as the leadership of our amazing Sunday school teachers during the 10:30 worship on Sunday, May 21st. Stay after service for fellowship and continuing celebrations!