Events for December 1, 2024 - July 14, 2024

Event Series Wednesday Bible study

Wednesday Bible Study

Interested in establishing a weeklys spiritual practice? Want to see what it's like to be a part of Peace Lutheran? Our Wednesday Zoom bible study might just be for you! Join the people of Peace as different members from the congregation lead a lectio divina style study, where scripture is read, reflected on, and prayed upon, typically in sets of…

Event Series Women’s Focus Bible Study

Women’s Focus Bible Study

This fall we will be using the Women’s Bible Commentary, Third Edition along with the Holy Bible Revised Standard, 1953. We will be reading biblical texts and question how women and other marginalized people are portrayed in biblical texts. This session will run from October through the first week of December, meeting on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 7-8 pm on Zoom.…

Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service

ACCA is pleased to announce that the annual ACCA Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service that was suspended due to the pandemic will resume. Our last service was held in 2019 at Annandale United Methodist Church. This year the service will be held at 4:00 PM on November 24 at St. Albans Episcopal Church. We hope you will attend and join us in…