Events for March 12 - February 23

End of Summer Hymn Sing

Sunday, September 1 during the 10:30am service, we will be having a hymn sing. Between now and August 25, you can submit a request to have your favorite hymn included. To request a hymn, fill out the forms found in the entryways or submit electronically by completing the form here.

Event Series Wednesday Bible study

Wednesday Bible Study

Interested in establishing a weeklys spiritual practice? Want to see what it's like to be a part of Peace Lutheran? Our Wednesday Zoom bible study might just be for you! Join the people of Peace as different members from the congregation lead a lectio divina style study, where scripture is read, reflected on, and prayed upon, typically in sets of…

Music Ministry Kick Off

The music ministry kick off begins with an explanation and demonstration of the choir and bells programs--all ages welcome