Author: Nadia Fitzcharles I find myself with so many words to say that can’t be said in words. I wish to convey love, so much love. I give thanks to God, who is love, and life, and the essence of community as found in the community of the Holy Trinity. We have lived the gift of life together in community…
“There are 800 happy texts,” Pollyanna notes, continuing, “If God tells us 800 times to rejoice and be glad, he must have wanted us to do it.”
Memories of the gifts of these generous gardeners keep my heart beating in its proper rhythm. A desire surfaces to give back to them. So each fall, I journey to the mountains.
I write to share news that God is calling me down a new road. My last Sunday at Peace will be December 17th
As your Interim Pastor, I want to get to know you. And I hope we can get to know each other. Doing so can only make our time together as partners in ministry much stronger, deeper, and powerful. So, to get to know you, I will be doing something I have been doing in my congregations for years. It’s called…Porch Sitting with the Pastor.
Grief is a very complicated process and one that never fully ends. It is the very natural result of a life spent loving another human being – even if that love was spent in continually hoping the relationship was different. Once grief comes to us, it will be with us every day of our lives.
So, just what is an Interim Pastor? Why am I here and what will I be doing? First and foremost, I am here to continue the presence of pastoral support that any called Pastor would give: preach and administer the Word and Sacraments, make hospital visits or home visits, come see your soccer games…
Greetings and thank you for such a warm welcome to this community. I am excited to join you in this interim time and continue to support you in the mission of, “Sharing God’s love, growing in faith, and creating community.” To this end, I wanted to let you know how you can reach me in the coming days and weeks…
My name is Aina Ramampandrison and I am one of the nursery supervisors at Peace. I am 25 years old and have basically been raised in this church since I was 12 years old. I have attended Sunday school, up to getting baptized and to top it off finishing confirmation class. Not only is this a church to me, it…