Volunteer Today
Worship volunteers have special gifts given to each of us by God! Peace is a community where everyone is involved in some way. We encourage you to get involved as your faith grows the more you put it into practice. Be sure to check back and keep an eye on our social media and weekly news blast for the latest opportunities! There are countless ways to serve the church and community. Below are just a few of our immediate opportunities to serve.
Share God's Love & Build Community
Sunday Morning Volunteer Opportunities

Assisting Ministers
Assisting Ministers lead elements of liturgy and assist with communion.

Acolytes are usually upper elementary age children but can be of any age. They light the candles for worship, accept the offering during the service and assist with communion.

Tech Team
The tech team is responsible for ensuring zoom worship, video and sound, are accessible to online worshipers from home on Sunday mornings.

Lectors read the lessons for the 10:30 am worship service. Copies of the lessons are available every Thursday.

Ushers are needed each Sunday to greet and pass out bulletins, take offering, direct the congregants to communion and other duties.

Altar Flowers
Bring or purchase flowers for the altar for Sunday worship services. Flower donations can honor or memorialize a loved one, event, or group of people.

Host Sunday Fellowship
Do you love the idea of building community through hospitality and fellowship? Sign-up to co-host fellowship after the 10:30 worship service on an upcoming Sunday. We're happy to answer any questions or walk you through what hosting would entail. Contact Info@sharingpeace.org to sign up today.