Peace has a long and rich history of being a healthy congregation. Relationships form that stand the test of time and distance. Spiritual disciplines are taught and practiced – study of God’s Word, prayer, fellowship, worship, service. Leaders make decisions based on what they believe will honor Jesus Christ as head of the church. Hospitality, justice, creativity, love of neighbor, care for people, mutual comfort, generosity, blessing of others, and of course, peace are just some of the marks of the Holy Spirit alive within this Body of Christ. And any conflicts have been handled with ongoing love for and respect of one another.

We are in exciting times as the call process has once again started to move forward. We continue to welcome guests among us and soon, we hope to receive up to four new households into formal membership. We are anticipating several baptisms. We are in conversation to host an Eagle Scout project. And this summer promises to be a creative time for the soul with all of our wonderful Summer of Fine Arts (SOFA) events.

I can feel the energy of God moving among us!

With so many good things happening, it is vital that we remember the things that are truly important: Love of God and love of neighbor. In this, all the law and the prophets are summed up. That’s what Jesus teaches.

We collaborate, seeking common goals. The fingers work with the hands who work with the arms and thus on throughout the Body. The eyes seek vision. The ears listen for wisdom. The mouths proclaim the goodness of God. Stronger members help weaker members, and weaker members are celebrated for the goodness of their gifts among us. That’s what St. Paul teaches.

We celebrate God’s presence among us and the way the Spirit pours out gifts upon EACH person in the waters of baptism. We rejoice with those who rejoice. We mourn with those who mourn. We provoke one another on to love and good deeds. And we do not stop meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing. That’s what the New Testament letters teach.

Practicing healthy habits promotes ongoing health within the Body. And so, I encourage you to keep striving for this spiritual health. Love one another as you want to be loved – as you have been loved in Christ Jesus our Lord. And, “ Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:8-9)

God Loves You!

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