Dismantling Racism
Racial Justice Team
The leadership of Peace Lutheran Church condemns the racism and inequity woven into our justice and economic systems, indeed our whole society. We believe Black lives matter and we believe saying that statement without action is hollow. The question is before us all: what will we do now?
The Holy Spirit is inviting us to look closer and see how each of us can be part of dismantling racism and white supremacy personally as well as in our institutions and governments, including the church.
We invite you to be part of our church’s anti-racism work. If you would like to be part of our racial justice team, please email Info@sharingpeace.org.
For more information, you can read the Church Council’s June 5, 2020 statement on racial justice. And for more ideas on taking action, explore the links listed below.
Racial Justice Team Timeline
Summer 2016: Book study of “The Trouble I’ve Seen” by Drew Hart, led by Pastor Sarah
Starting Fall 2019: Troubling the Waters study group
Summer 2020: Book study of “I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness” by Austin Channing Brown, led by Pastor Sarah
June 5, 2020: Church Council’s statement on racial justice
September 3, 2020: First official Racial Justice Team meeting
October, 2020: Pre-election information about registering to vote, making a plan to vote, and other helpful resources for voters
MLK Day 2021: Conversation Among Neighbors: Talking about Racism and Racial Trauma with Dr. Carlton Green
February, 2021: Sent email to the people who attended Conversation Among Neighbors with resources from Dr. Green related to race, racial trauma, racism, and Whiteness (suggested readings, references, and podcasts)
June-August, 2021: Book Study of My Grandmother’s Hands by Resmaa Menakem
November, 2021: Indigenous People’s Celebration Liturgy and discussion of the ELCA’s Declaration to American Indian and Alaska Native People. Click Here to view the bulletin.
December, 2021: Shannon and the synod racial equity team complete the Commemorations calendar
MLK Day, 2022: Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. email that included a prayer written by Rev. Dr. King and other resources and opportunities commemorating Rev. Dr. King
February, 2022: Webinar discussion of what it means for the church to proclaim that Black Lives Matter
May, 2022: Racial Justice Team Fellowship Hour, including a celebration of the mural and a lament for gun violence
- July 2022: Racial Justice Team participated in the second Metro D.C. Synod Faith in Action Racial Equity Network meeting
- September/October 2022: Racial Justice Team convened a book study of the “remix” version of the book “Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You” by Jason Reynolds and Ibrahim X. Kendi
- October 2022: Racial Justice Team contributed to an Indigenous Peoples Worship Liturgy at Peace
- November 2022: Racial Justice Team tour of Bull Run Regional Park Slave Cemetery organized by the Fairfax County NAACP
- January 2023: Racial Justice Team hosted a film viewing and discussion after the 10:30 service of an episode about Emmett Till from the “Eyes on the Prize” documentary series
- March 2023: Racial Justice Team tour of Bull Run Regional Park Slave Cemetery organized by the Fairfax County NAACP
- June 2023: Racial Justice Team contributed ideas for a 10:30 service to reaffirm Peace’s commitment to being a Reconciling in Christ congregation
- July 2023: Racial Justice Team tabled at the synod’s Faith in Action Racial Equity Network Block Party, which was held on a Saturday afternoon at Peace
- July-December 2023: Racial Justice Team and other Peace members participate in the 12-session Sacred Ground Series on Race and Faith convened by synod leaders
- September 2023: Racial Justice Team hosted a film viewing and discussion after the 10:30 service on an episode about the Civil Rights Movement from the “Many Rivers to Cross” documentary series
- October 2023: Racial Justice Team contributed to a special service commemorating Indigenous Peoples Day
- Lent 2024: Racial Justice Team shared testimonies about Sacred Ground at Lenten Vespers and provided written reflections for the Peace blog
- Summer 2024: Racial Justice Team organized a summer reading program focused on racial justice books in Peace’s library and in members’ personal collections