Pandemic Reflection Night
To mark the three-year anniversary of pandemic shutdowns, on Sunday, March 12, 5-7pm, Peace will hold a "Pandemic Reflection Night." Pastor Sarah will use her book "God Holds You: A Pandemic Chronicle," to guide discussion. We will also watch some of the videos that Peace staff Paul, Jim and Nadia created with the congregation during the pandemic. Dinner will be…
Wednesday Bible Study
Interested in establishing a weeklys spiritual practice? Want to see what it's like to be a part of Peace Lutheran? Our Wednesday Zoom bible study might just be for you! Join the people of Peace as different members from the congregation lead a lectio divina style study, where scripture is read, reflected on, and prayed upon, typically in sets of…
Evening Soup Supper and Worship
Soup will be served at 6:15pm, Vespers begin at 7pm. All are welcome to join us for fellowship, food, and faith!
8am Morning Worship
Join us for conversational worship at 8am. Learn more about our worship services and download the bulletin on our worship page.
Book Discussion: An Altar in the World
We are excited to share that we will use the book "An Altar in the World" by Barbara Brown Taylor for adult education and a semon series throughout Lent. Please join us for discussion and enlightenment as we journey through this book together!
10:30am Worship Service
Join us for our traditional worship service with communion every Sunday at 10:30am. Learn more about our services, download the bulletin, or live stream the service on our worship page.
First Communion Class
Parents of 2nd graders, please let Nadia know if your child(ren) can attend a first communion class led by Pastor Sarah on Sunday, March 19th after the 10:30 worship service. (Also open to older kids who have not yet participated in a first communion class!)
Combined Confirmation Class
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 3022 Woodlawn Ave, Falls ChurchMonthly confirmation classes, one Sunday/month, 2:00 – 3:30 PM. We join with youth and pastors from Peace, Advent, Faith, and Holy Trinity Lutheran Churches for monthly confirmation events. The location of monthly classes rotates between the churches. Bring materials, notebook and pen.