You are invited. You are welcome. You are special.
Come Join Us
Lutheran high school youth are involved in the community at Peace in a number of ways. These include:
- Serving on teams and committees
- Youth-led worship service in the spring
- Participating in Advent programming
- Service opportunities: Neighbor to Neighbor, meals for neighbors in the hypothermia shelter, packaging food for weekend food programs, etc.
In the past, Peace Lutheran high school youth have participated in combined youth group programs with other churches and even the entire ELCA network! The next ELCA Youth Gathering will be in New Orleans from July 16-20, 2024, with MYLE and the tAble pre-gathering events before! The theme is “Created to be.” Find out more details here.
Questions or need more information? Please contact Nadia Fitzcharles at nadia@sharingpeace.org.