Grow In Faith
Confirmation Program
Who? Students 6th – 8th grade.
What? Confirmation is a three-year process designed to help students understand their faith. The years are broken down into Old Testament, New Testament, and Small Catechism. This year we are on the Old Testament. Confirmation culminates in the ritual of Confirmation, also called Affirmation of Baptism. Students give their faith testimonies and pledge to live out (aka confirm) the faith in which they were baptized.
Our 2024-2025 Confirmation Program
- Weekly zoom meetings for 30 minutes to check-in, pray, and have time to share and talk about our faith.
- Once a month group Confirmation classes, with youth from Peace, Faith, Reformation, and Holy Trinity Lutheran Churches. Led by all the pastors. These will be on Sunday afternoons from 2-3:30, in person.
- Confirmation students should worship regularly (at least 2x a month) and are encouraged to participate in worship as a lector, acolyte, or usher. Learn how to volunteer in worship and sign up here.
- Service project – Students will give 4 hours of service through the church. This can be Crop Walk, weeding the yard, cleaning a room, raking the leaves of an elderly member, etc.
- Week-long Confirmation Camp at Mar-Lu-Ridge. Each student is encouraged to attend camp at least once during the three years of confirmation, but you are welcome to attend all three years. Scholarships are available. Cost should not be a barrier for any child to participate.
- Final Confirmation retreat and Rite of Affirmation of Baptism. On or around Pentecost Sunday of their 8th grade year, students will be confirmed. A 3-hour retreat on a Sunday afternoon will take place beforehand. Youth who are being confirmed will be strongly encouraged to give their faith statement.
Your child will be given a Bible, a Lutheran handbook, and a student guide to that Small Catechism for their confirmation year. You are asked to provide a notebook dedicated to Confirmation.
- September 15: Fun & Info Session @ Resurrection (Bishop Ortiz Special Guest)
- October 6: “Home Again” @ Faith
- Nov 3: “God’s Surprise” @ Peace
- Dec 1: “Manna and Mercy for All” @ Holy Trinity
- Jan 5: “Jerusalem” @ Resureection
- Feb 2: “A Risen Jesus, A Risen People” @ Faith
- March 2: “The Danger of Pharaoh’s Eqypt Way” @ Peace
- April 6: “The RIsen People Share God’s Dream” @ Holy Trinity
- May 4: “God’s Dream Will Come True” @ Resurrection
If you have a child who would be eligible for confirmation, please contact us.